Malena movie review
Malena movie review

  • Chivalrous Pervert: Renato tries to defend Malena's honour a couple of times despite lusting over her.
  • Color-Coded Characters: Used early on with Maléna to distinguish her from the other women by her white dress.
  • After quite a while when it's confirmed Mussolini has been overthrown, we see Renato getting a pair of pants made for him.
  • Brick Joke: Renato makes his father swear to buy him a pair of long pants when Il Duce dies.
  • malena movie review

    It almost succeeds, specially when the other women beat her bloody purely for being prettier than them.

  • Break the Cutie: The plot totally bends over to break Malena.
  • Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Maléna herself cycles through all three colours in the film.
  • The narrator (Renato as an adult) then tells us that he's known many women who asked him not to forget her, but the only woman who never asked - Maléna - is the only one he's never forgotten. before she walks out of his life forever.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The townswomen let Maléna back into their lives, she's reunited with her husband, and Renato finally talks directly to her.
  • They're introduced making snide remarks about Malena as she walks around town, establishing that they're going to be a problem for her.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Even though Renato is actually in love with Malena, his actions to the people gossiping about her have undertones of this.
  • The lawyer actually references the trope when defending her in court.
  • Beauty Is Bad: Subverted since Maléna is not bad but the other women in the town have this attitude.
  • malena movie review

  • Back from the Dead: Her husband, at the end of the film.

  • Malena movie review